Monday, March 8, 2010

Mississippi 50 Finisher!

I could write about the experience for hours, but don't have hours to give at the moment. I did finish. I had great support (see pictures), and I brought home a buckle and a great memory. More to come....

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Friday, March 5, 2010

AB's First Marathon!

In by far my best running experience to-date Anita Beth and I finished the New Orleans Mardis Gras Rock 'n Roll Marathon together last Sunday. We both finished in 4:25. I was very proud of her. At mile 16 she said "I hurt real bad all over," and then she put her head down and just kept running. At mile 22 I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I realized she was going to finish her first marathon. Having finished a few myself, I knew how rewarding crossing the finish line was going to be for her, and I was right. Five days later, she still hasn't taken her new marathon shirt off. Way to go AB!

Tomorrow I take on the Mississippi 50. Report to follow.