Booooooo! That's what my fans would be yelling at me
if I had any fans. The heckles would come due to my abysmal performance in the first week of my training plan. It was supposed to be a 36-mile week. I ran 22. I hope Koach doesn't give up on me. I have decent excuses. The work week was brutal, including Jackson to Corinth, an 8-hour trial and back to Jackson on Wednesday, followed by
another drive to Selmer Thursday night. The traveling completely wiped me out. Eight hours of driving sandwiching eight hours of arguing with John Ferrell is no way to spend a Wednesday.
Monday: 4
Tuesday: 4
Saturday: 14
Despite by belly flop of a first week, I did enjoy being back on Highway 350 with my running buddies Greg and Lee on Saturday.
I will not let the week-1 failure deter me. Week 2 started today and I hit the pavement with gusto this morning. Bring it.