I woke up at 7 a.m. almost hoping the funk would be worse as the forecast was for 18 degrees and I didn't feel like another bout with the Screaming Barfies. When I woke up I wasn't that sick. I convinced myself to get dressed and jumped in the car. I'm glad I did. I had a really nice 15 mile run. The sinuses and snot were an annoyance, but I still enjoyed the run.
John Aiken introduced me to a new term this morning. He said he was running with a group last Thursday in the cold and the group titled themselves the 'Nucking Futs'.
I ran in sub 20 degree temps on Thursday morning, too, with Greg and Lee. We ran on Highway 45 from Eastview to Guys and back. Going South I was pretty hot, but when we turned around to run North back to Eastview the wind cut through my clothes like a hot knife through butter, pardon the cliche. Another degree colder or 10 minutes of running and the Screaming Barfies may have returned.
Luckily, the wind wasn't too bad this morning.
Another highlight for me today was that I kept up with Koach. I told him at the 10 mile mark that this was the first time I'd ever seen him at 10-miles. Usually, I say hello and goodbye to him at the starting line. While I wish I could credit my improved speed for this, I think it had more to do with Koach being tired. He's been training hard for his latest stunt. I guess I caught him loafing.
Good run.
It was a light week. I'm almost ashamed to publish it, but here it is anyhow:
Tuesday: 6 miles, 54:35, 821 cal
Thursday: 6 miles, 1:01:54, 845 cal
Saturday: 15 miles, 2:19:06, 2067 cal
Total: 27 miles