Monday, December 21, 2009
1st in my Age Group?
The official Tashka 50k results have now been posted and it appears as though I won my age division (30-34). I say "appears" because the overall winner was 30. I guess since he was the overall winner he can't win my age group. Whatever, if you sort the results by age group, it says I won. I'll take it anyway I can get it baby!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Marathon Do-Over!
Anita Beth was a superstar in the half marathon. She finished in 1:58! It's official. She's as fast as I am now. Maybe faster. But I couldn't be more proud of her.
My brother Bailey finished his first marathon, too. I was proud of him for gutting it out.
And last but not least, AB's running buddy Kimberly finished another half marathon.
Way to go everybody!
UPDATE: Check out the album below for more pics. Pay particular attention to the look on Bailey's face. If you ever wondered what joy and pain look like simultaneously, then here's your answer:
UPDATE: Check out the album below for more pics. Pay particular attention to the look on Bailey's face. If you ever wondered what joy and pain look like simultaneously, then here's your answer:
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Marathon Makeover 10-17-09 |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Running, Running, and more Running
So my posts have been rudely interrupted by football season, but that doesn't mean I'm not running. Last week I successfully completed 47 miles. Before that: 40, 44, and 45. This week: The big 50, capped by a 20 mile run on Sunday. It's going to be a big week. I'm fired up and ready for the Marathon Makeover on October 17. One more big week (54 miles) and then I get a little taper action. Koach's plan seems to be working. I feel really good and my legs feel strong. Bring on October!
Also, I registered for the Mississippi 50 tonight. Yep, I'm going to run a 50-miler in March. More on that later. I'm pumped to have registered for it though. That means no turning back.... I'm going to be an ULTRA marathoner.
Also, I registered for the Mississippi 50 tonight. Yep, I'm going to run a 50-miler in March. More on that later. I'm pumped to have registered for it though. That means no turning back.... I'm going to be an ULTRA marathoner.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Week 4: Two Miles Short
And so the marathon training continues. I fell two miles short of the weekly mileage goal, but all in all in was a pretty good week. I upped the long run to 17 miles. I feel like I'm within easy striking distance of 26.2 and I still have eight weeks to go until the October 17 warm-up marathon. My last two marathons I hit the wall and hard at mile 20. And let me tell you, there was nothing proverbial or metaphorical about it. My goal this year is to not hit a wall, or at least not let it hit me. I should have plenty of time this fall to prepare for a good performance at St. Jude in December. Here's my week:
Monday: 2
Tuesday: 9
Thursday: 6
Friday: 6
Sunday: 17
Total: 40
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Week 3
Sorry to keep you waiting. Work is not leaving much time to blog. But all the same I am quite pleased to report the successful completion of Week 3 of Koach's plan. Here's how it went down:
Monday: 6
Tuesday: 8
Wednesday: 4
Thursday: 3 (8:17 pace)
Saturday: 2
Sunday: 16
I'm halfway through Week 4 and on target to reach the planned 42 miles. On another note, I all of a sudden dropped a couple pounds. I weighed 166 this morning, down from the 168-170 range. It is nice to know I am capable of losing a pound. I was beginning to wonder.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Week 2: Redemption at Sea Island
After failing miserably at following my training plan in Week 1, all went according to plan in Week 2. I completed the Koach-prescribed 38 miles!
Monday: 6
Wednesday: 8
Thursday: 6
Saturday: 16
Sunday: 2
Running the long run at Sea Island was awesome. Anita Beth ran eight miles with me. I'm really proud of her progress after last spring's stress fracture. We put in three or four or our miles on the beach. Atlantic Ocean beaches are so much better for running than those I've been to on the Gulf Coast. The sand is more packed and the slants to the water are minimal. There's nothing like listening to waves crash against the shore while you run.
The Island itself is so pristine and beautiful. It was a true joy to run down there. After our long run, Anita Beth and I enjoyed a 90-minute couple's massage in the Cloister Spa. Wow.
My only complaint about the whole weekend was that the restaurants were too good and therefore I ate too much, but I guess that's really my fault.
But seriously, I've got to start watching my calorie intake. I'm not losing any weight and that's crazy if I'm logging almost 40 miles a week. I cut cokes out of my diet a month ago and it had some effect. I'm hovering around 170 pounds and last week I weighed as little as 167 or 168. I'd like to get down to 160. After the weekend at Sea Island I was back at 170 this morning. It's time to cut something else out of the diet. I'm thinking it's going to have to be bad carbs. What are bad carbs? In my diet they are french fries, those silly little 100-calorie cookie packs that my secretaries keep stashed in the office kitchen, potatoe chips, and sweet tea. Oh yeah, and BEER! I may allow myself a Bud Light every now and then, but nothing more, and definitely no more Sam Adams (x2 in the Atlanta airport last night watching the Yankees-Red Sox) or Sierra Nevada's or Blue Moons. They are tasty, but not worth it.
There. Maybe now that I've declared it on the World Wide Web, I'll actually follow through and do it. I'll try to report back next week.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Week 1
Booooooo! That's what my fans would be yelling at me if I had any fans. The heckles would come due to my abysmal performance in the first week of my training plan. It was supposed to be a 36-mile week. I ran 22. I hope Koach doesn't give up on me. I have decent excuses. The work week was brutal, including Jackson to Corinth, an 8-hour trial and back to Jackson on Wednesday, followed by another drive to Selmer Thursday night. The traveling completely wiped me out. Eight hours of driving sandwiching eight hours of arguing with John Ferrell is no way to spend a Wednesday.
Monday: 4
Tuesday: 4
Saturday: 14
Despite by belly flop of a first week, I did enjoy being back on Highway 350 with my running buddies Greg and Lee on Saturday.
I will not let the week-1 failure deter me. Week 2 started today and I hit the pavement with gusto this morning. Bring it.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
32 Miles
I ran 32 miles this week.
Monday: 10
Thursday: 6
Saturday: 6
Sunday: 10
Tomorrow, I start my custom-made Koach plan. I told him I want to get serious and fast. He game me a plan that includes a few 50-mile plus weeks. It starts with a 36-mile week this week and builds steadily until a 54-mile week September 21. So, here we go! Look out St. Jude! I'm going to take you down!
Monday, July 20, 2009
44 miles
44 miles this week!!
Monday: 10
Thursday: 10
Friday: 10
Sunday: 14
I'm happy with the mileage, but I'm even more happy with my speed. I have been running with a guy from the neighborhood who has a little more hop in his step. My times have dramatically improved running with him. We have been averaging around a 9:10 pace.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
32 Miles
I put in 32 miles this week. Admittedly, me legs did feel a little fragile after the 40-mile week prior, but we're still healthy.
Here's the week:
Monday: 10 miles
Thursday: 10 miles
Saturday: 12 miles
I am really missing my running partners. I had intended to run more than 12 on Saturday, but didn't have the stamina to go it alone. I'll be looking for a running buddy this week, as I would really like to run at least 15 on my long run.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 40th
I ran 40 miles this week! 10 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
Today was tough, but I was determined to log 40.
Today was tough, but I was determined to log 40.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Running Partner
My running partner and I are running the Renaissance Half Marathon
tomorrow. Unfortunately, I at Mexican for lunch today. My performance
may suffer.
tomorrow. Unfortunately, I at Mexican for lunch today. My performance
may suffer.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Eight Mile
Went eight this morning. All by myself. Had to fight off nature's call the last three miles, so I'm extra proud of myself for not turning toward the house early.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm Running, I'm not Running, I'm Running
The bed trapped me this morning. Second day in a row. Proves that I really need the accountability of someone waiting for me in order to get up at insane hours to run 7 miles. Tonight, the alarm moves to the other side of the room.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Gu & Snot Bubbles
I woke up at 7 a.m. almost hoping the funk would be worse as the forecast was for 18 degrees and I didn't feel like another bout with the Screaming Barfies. When I woke up I wasn't that sick. I convinced myself to get dressed and jumped in the car. I'm glad I did. I had a really nice 15 mile run. The sinuses and snot were an annoyance, but I still enjoyed the run.
John Aiken introduced me to a new term this morning. He said he was running with a group last Thursday in the cold and the group titled themselves the 'Nucking Futs'.
I ran in sub 20 degree temps on Thursday morning, too, with Greg and Lee. We ran on Highway 45 from Eastview to Guys and back. Going South I was pretty hot, but when we turned around to run North back to Eastview the wind cut through my clothes like a hot knife through butter, pardon the cliche. Another degree colder or 10 minutes of running and the Screaming Barfies may have returned.
Luckily, the wind wasn't too bad this morning.
Another highlight for me today was that I kept up with Koach. I told him at the 10 mile mark that this was the first time I'd ever seen him at 10-miles. Usually, I say hello and goodbye to him at the starting line. While I wish I could credit my improved speed for this, I think it had more to do with Koach being tired. He's been training hard for his latest stunt. I guess I caught him loafing.
Good run.
It was a light week. I'm almost ashamed to publish it, but here it is anyhow:
Tuesday: 6 miles, 54:35, 821 cal
Thursday: 6 miles, 1:01:54, 845 cal
Saturday: 15 miles, 2:19:06, 2067 cal
Total: 27 miles
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Rainy Saturday
The devil and the angel were debating in my ear at 5:30 this morning. I looked out the window and it was raining. The devil was telling me to get back in the bed. The angel said, "You have to run. You'll feel like a slug if you don't, and you'll feel great if you do."
The radar on the Weather Channel showed a line of rain just to the west of Corinth, Mississippi. I knew without a doubt, if I ran, I was going to get wet. Luckily, I had told Greg Cooley and Lee Rodgers I would run with them this morning. Greg had assured me he would call me by 6 if the run would be scratched due to weather. There was no call. I couldn't leave my boys hangin', so out the door I went. The only dry mile was the first one, but it was a good run and I had fun running and chatting with Greg and Lee. Ten miles in the rain felt really good. Here's my week:
Monday: 6 miles
Tuesday: rainout
Wednesday: 6 miles
Thursday: 6 miles
Saturday: 10 miles
Total: 28 miles
Next Saturday, if conditions are right, I would like to run at least 14.
ANITA BETH UPDATE: She swam two times this week in the lap pool at Shiloh Ridge. I'm proud of her for not letting the fractured hip get her down. If she keeps it up she'll probably be in better shape than ever when the Doc clears her to run.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Okay, so by now everbody knows AB is crippled, but the diagnosis is slightly different following her visit to the orthapedic on Tuesday. Anita Beth DOES have a stress fracture in her hip. She'll be on crutches for at least two weeks, or until the pain stops. She should be able to resume running in three months. What does Anita Beth's injury mean for me? Well, first off I'm completely bummed that she is not going to be able to run in the short term. I have really enjoyed sharing a common interest with her other than work. I feel like running has been great for our relationship. We had so much fun at the St. Jude Marathon last month! But, she's only going to be out three months. My job now is just to encourage her to rest and to help around the house as much as I can. She'll be back at it in April! Faster than ever!
The Transrockies is a no-go, but that's okay. I feel confident that the Transrockies will happen again in 2010 and you can bet Anita Beth and I will be there, or at least try to be there. With an extra year of training under our belts, the mixed division better watch out!
As for my running, I'm shifting my goal to focusing completely on getting fast. It may not be realistic, but I'm shooting for a 3:10 marathon before my 35th birthday. That gives me about 18 months to work my time down from 3:57. Impossible? Maybe. But it's going to be fun trying. I'm going to take my training up a notch and see where that gets me at the Country Music Marathon in April.
I'm thinking I should change the url of the blog if for no other reason than to not mislead 2009 Transrockies participants. Therefore, the new url is
Get well soon AB! I can't wait to run with you in a few months!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Anita Beth had her bone scan today. The good news is she does not have a stress fracture in her hip. The bad news is the Radiologist thought he saw the beginnings of a stress fracture in her femur. Here's what happened to our Transrockies trip:
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Mississippi Blues Marathon and Half-Marathon
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1-03-08 |
I ran the Mississippi Blues Half-Marathon today.
All I can say is, wow, that was one HOT, HILLY course!
The temperature was every bit of 70 degrees.
I saw one guy handing out popsicles it was so hot. But even more ridiculous than the heat was the hills. It was one short steep hill after the next.
At about mile 10 I was really huffing and puffing as we were entering the Belhaven neighborhood. I told the closest guy to me, "I had no idea Jackson was so hilly," to which he casually chuckled as said, "Yeah, where you from?"
"Jackson," I replied. Never saw that guy again.
But seriously, it was a very hilly course. I would not recommend it to anyone for their first half marathon or marathon.
However, I did really enjoy the race. It was a pretty course, and very well run. The Expo and packet pick-up on Friday was very well organized and made the race look very big-time. My only real complaint was that on day this warm I could have used a couple more water stations.
My finishing time was about 1:52, which beat my goal of 1:56, so I was pleased. I say about 1:52 because I forgot to stop my watch as I crossed the finish. The highlight of the race for me was my family being there to greet me at the finish line. There's something about knowing your girls are waiting for you that really helps you through that last mile. Check out the pics.
Here's my training log for the week:
Tuesday: 6
Wednesday: 5
Saturday: 13
Total: 24
I took it easy to be sure I'd be fit to run Saturday. I'm looking foward to resuming my regular schedule next week.
UPDATE: My official time in the Mississippi Blues Half-Marathon was 1:52:13.
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